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Children Ministry

We want our children to believe that God loves them and God wants them to grow up and become God fearing, responsible adults in society. We want to also reach out to children in our communities and society who for one reason or the other feel left out. We want to make them happy and strenthen their confidence to believe that God created them for a purpose and they are truly capable of fulfiling this purpose through God's help.

Evangelism, Intercessions and Prayer Ministry.

At the centre of all we do is evangelism, prayers and intercessions. We believe God wants all souls to be saved, so we spread the gospel of salvation, pray and intercede for the people in our communities, city and nation to respond to God's Salvation through Jesus Christ our LORD and Saviour.

Happy Family
Women's Ministry

Women play a pivotal part in all we do. We believe in the power of women to positively impact the Body of Christ, family and society. We encourage women programmes and activities. Why don't you become a part of this wonderful ministry today.

Volunteer Groups

We welcome volunteers from all over the world to join us pursue the vision of winning souls into God's Kingdom and making positive impacts in the lives of others. We will be glad if you decide to volunteer for us. Please send an email today.

Prayer Group
Family Ministry

We believe that family plays an important role for societal development and growth. We hold regular family programmes and activites focused on creating a stronger family unit for a stronger nation.

Partnership Fellowship

We encourage untiy and oneness in the Body of Jesus Christ and we strive to hold partnership programmes with other ministries and to pray for one another. We draw strength from fellowshipping with others and exhorting one another. Why dont you join us now? Please send us a message.

Volunteer Using Sign Language
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